Colorado Chapter

ABOTA offers several membership status for those who are no longer working due to illness, injury, retirement, and other factors. Please read the descriptions below and see the attached applications. 

Submitting Status Change Applications:
All applications for status change must be submitted to the local chapter for review and approval prior to National. Submit all status change applications to Nicole@abota-co.org.

You may change your status at any time during the year as long as your dues are current. 

For Senior, Temporary Inactive, and Emeritus Status, to have a status change apply to the following year's dues, applications must be received by the Chapter no later than November 1st.  For example, if you wish to apply for Senior Status for 2025, your application would be due to the Chapter by November 1, 2024.

For Retired Status, you may submit your application to the Chapter by March 1st for consideration in the current year as long as your prior year's dues are paid in full.  For example, if you wish to apply for Retired Status for 2025, you have until March 1, 2025 to submit your application to the Chapter as long as your 2024 dues were paid in full.

Senior Status:

  • An Associate, Advocate or Diplomate who has been a member in good standing for 10 years and 
  • has reached the age of 75, or 
  • who has ceased to engage in the active practice of law (including mediation and arbitration) due to illness, injury or, infirmity at an earlier age. 
If Senior Status is granted,  the member will be obliged to pay 50% of the ABOTA National annual dues. However, said member shall be subject to any amount assessed by a state or regional organization of ABOTA.

Senior Status Application

Retired Status:

  • A member who has been a member in good standing for 10 years or 
  • A member who has been on Temporary Inactive status due to a disability for three years, and
  • A member who has ceased to and will no longer engage in the active practice of law (including mediation), as defined by subsection (7) of the ABOTA Constitution.
A member who applies for retired status prior to April 1 and who has fully paid his or her dues for the previous year will be considered eligible to so apply and shall not be subject to suspension for non-payment of the current year’s dues, but in the event the application is not approved the member shall be obligated to pay the current year’s dues within 45 days of being advised of the non-approval. A Retired Member may utilize ABOTA badging if the word “Retired” is included in such badging. A Retired Member will be considered an honored former member of the organization and will be entitled to all rights and privileges of a member but will not be eligible to vote on any matters and will not be required to pay dues.

Retired Status Application

Temporary Inactive Status:

  • Any member may request Temporary Inactive status by reason of any physical or mental disability that prevents the member from being able to practice law, or absence from the country or otherwise being in an employment position that does not permit the practice of law.
  • A member who has been granted Temporary Inactive status shall be excused from any portion of the member’s current annual dues other than a pro-rated portion corresponding to the months of the year that took place before the date of the member’s disability, as indicated in the member’s application for such Temporary Inactive status.
  • A member who is placed on Temporary Inactive status shall not be entitled to voting privileges.
  • A member who has been granted Temporary Inactive status shall have up to three (3) years to return to active status, or to transfer his or her status by application to another class of membership. A member who has been granted Temporary Inactive status who does not take steps to change his or her status as specified above at the end of the three (3) years from the date inactive status was approved will be deemed to have resigned from the organization.

If at any time during the three-year period, a member whose circumstances no longer make him or her eligible for Temporary Inactive status, the member has the obligation to inform the National Office and take the necessary steps to transfer his or her status by application to another class of membership. The member will have the obligation to resume paying the dues applicable to the other class of membership on a pro-rata basis for the months in the year after transfer of their status; such payment shall be made within 30 days of change of status.

Temporary Inactive Status Application

Emeritus Status:

  • An Associate, Advocate, or Diplomate who has been a member of ABOTA in continuous good standing for 10 years immediately preceding the submission of the application, and
  • Ceased to engage in the active practice of law (including mediation, arbitration, etc) by reason of age, illness, injury, infirmity, and 
  • A Fellow of the Foundation of ABOTA for at least 5 years immediately preceding the date of the application, and
  • Service to ABOTA with distinction, including acting as an officer of the local Chapter, or serving on the Executive Committee of a Chapter, or a state or regional ABOTA organization, or National ABOTA, or otherwise making significant and substantial contributions to ABOTA. 
If an Emeritus member resumes the active practice of law, the member may retain Emeritus status, but must pay dues during any year in which he or she engages in the active practice of law. Designation as an Emeritus member shall be at the complete discretion of the National Board present and voting at a Board meeting. Emeritus status shall continue all rights and duties previously held by the member, but he or she shall be relieved of the obligation to pay dues to ABOTA National and any state or regional organization. 

Emeritus Status Application

©2025 All rights reserved.

ABOTA, Colorado Chapter is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization, Denver, CO

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